Environmental consulting services for manufacturing firms and energy companies.
Shale POWER Directory
For information, please contact: Business Description Our company can provide environmental consulting services such as environmental permitting and compliance, due diligence (when buying property), site investigations (dealing with environmental issues on properties), and site remediation. Your Value Proposition If we identify environmental issues at a facility or on a property we can propose cost-effective remedies. It is important to identify environmental issues early so costs can be saved. Firms will also want to be in compliance with environmental regulations so they do not incur fines. If environmental issues are caught early, development of sites proceeds much faster. If permits are secured on time, work is not delayed. If environmental issues are identified and dealt with, people can move forward confidently with projects. They don’t get surprises in the middle of a project. If permits are secured and in place, work proceeds. There aren’t disruptions to their work. Environmental permits and compliance requirements can change often. It is worthwhile to have a firm that is on top of these issues. Many firms today have a corporate policy of doing what they can to protect the environment. In addition, financial investors are also asking firms to be good environmental stewards.
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